
HTTP client utilities.

Latest Version: 18.1.0

npm: npm install @hapi/wreck

yarn: yarn add @hapi/wreck

Module Status:
Version License Node Dependencies CI
hapi helmet github logo
BSD 16, 18, 20, 22 Dependency Status Build Status
hapi helmet github logo
BSD 16, 18, 20, 22 Dependency Status Build Status


const Wreck = require('@hapi/wreck');

const example = async function () {

    const { res, payload } = await Wreck.get('http://example.com');

try {
catch (ex) {


const Wreck = require('@hapi/wreck');

const method = 'GET'; // GET, POST, PUT, DELETE
const uri = '/';
const readableStream = Wreck.toReadableStream('foo=bar');

const wreck = Wreck.defaults({
    headers: { 'x-foo-bar': 123 },
    agents: {
        https: new Https.Agent({ maxSockets: 100 }),
        http: new Http.Agent({ maxSockets: 1000 }),
        httpsAllowUnauthorized: new Https.Agent({ maxSockets: 100, rejectUnauthorized: false })

// cascading example -- does not alter `wreck`
// inherits `headers` and `agents` specified above
const wreckWithTimeout = wreck.defaults({
    timeout: 5

// all attributes are optional
const options = {
    baseUrl: 'https://www.example.com',
    payload: readableStream || 'foo=bar' || Buffer.from('foo=bar'),
    headers: { /* http headers */ },
    redirects: 3,
    beforeRedirect: (redirectMethod, statusCode, location, resHeaders, redirectOptions, next) => next(),
    redirected: function (statusCode, location, req) {},
    timeout: 1000,    // 1 second, default: unlimited
    maxBytes: 1048576, // 1 MB, default: unlimited
    rejectUnauthorized: true || false,
    agent: null,         // Node Core http.Agent
    secureProtocol: 'SSLv3_method', // The SSL method to use
    ciphers: 'DES-CBC3-SHA' // The TLS ciphers to support

const example = async function () {

    const promise = wreck.request(method, uri, options);
    try {
        const res = await promise;
        const body = await Wreck.read(res, options);
    catch (err) {
        // Handle errors

Use promise.req.abort() to terminate the request early. Note that this is limited to the initial request only. If the request was already redirected, aborting the original request will not abort execution of pending redirections.