This ESLint plugin exposes two configurations:
An ESLint configuration containing hapi style guide rules and config. To use in your project, add
to your package.json
, then in your ESLint configuration add:
"extends": "plugin:@hapi/recommended"
The ESLint configuration used by @hapi/lab
when you use the linting feature through either the -L
command argument or the lint: true
To use it in your project, there are multiple dependencies you need to add to your package.json
Then in your ESLint configuration add:
"extends": "plugin:@hapi/module"
This plugin includes the following ESLint rules:
Enforces capitalization of imported module variables.
If the string 'global-scope-only'
is passed as the first option to this rule,
then it will only be enforced on assignments in the module's top level scope.
Enforces for
loop iterator variable rules and restricts loop nesting depth.
This rule enforces the following:
loop iterator variables should be named i
. Nested loops should use the variables j
, k
, and so on.for
loops. By default, this limit is three.for
loop updates. The prefix version of these operators should be used instead.var i = 0;
is allowed in the initialization section. This only applies to variable declarations, not assignments to existing variables. This means that for (i = 0, j = 0)
is allowed if i
and j
are existing variables. Variable declarations involving destructuring are not allowed.This rule can be configured by providing a single options object. The object supports the following keys.
A number representing the maximum allowed nesting of for
loops. Defaults to three.
The first variable iterator name to use. This defaults to 'i'
Enforces the usage of var declarations only in try-catch scope.
Enforces a new line at the beginning of function scope.
If the string 'allow-one-liners'
is passed as the first option to this rule,
then functions whose bodies contain zero or one statements are allowed to be
written on a single line. This defaults to true
for arrow functions, and
The second option to this rule dictates the maximum number of statements allowed
in the bodies of one line function. This must be used in conjunction with
. Defaults to one.
Prevents arrow functions that implicitly create additional arrow functions.
This rule prevents the pattern () => () => () => ...;.
Functions can still be returned by arrow functions whose bodies use curly braces and an explicit return.
This rule does not accept any configuration options.
Rule | Option |
'@hapi/capitalize-modules' | ['warn', 'global-scope-only'] |
'@hapi/for-loop' | ['warn', { maxDepth: 3, startIterator: 'i' }] |
'@hapi/no-var' | 'error' |
'@hapi/scope-start' | 'warn' |
'@hapi/no-arrowception' | 'error' |
'camelcase' | 'off' |
'consistent-return' | 'off' |
'vars-on-top' | 'off' |
'new-cap' | 'off |
'no-console' | 'off' |
'no-constant-condition' | 'error' |
'no-empty' | 'off' |
'no-native-reassign' | 'off' |
'no-underscore-dangle' | 'off' |
'no-undef' | ['error', { typeof: false }] |
'no-process-exit' | 'off' |
'no-unused-expressions' | 'off' |
'no-regex-spaces' | 'off' |
'no-catch-shadow' | 'off' |
'no-lonely-if' | 'off' |
'brace-style' | ['warn', 'stroustrup'] |
'no-shadow' | ['warn', { allow: ['err', 'done'] }] |
'no-unused-vars' | ['warn', { vars: 'all', varsIgnorePattern: '^internals$', args: 'none' }] |
'one-var' | ['error', 'never'] |
'handle-callback-err' | ['error', '^(e|err|error)$'] |
'array-bracket-spacing' | 'warn' |
'dot-notation' | 'warn' |
'eol-last' | 'warn' |
'no-trailing-spaces' | 'warn' |
'no-eq-null' | 'warn' |
'no-extend-native' | 'warn' |
'no-redeclare' | 'warn' |
'no-loop-func' | 'warn' |
'yoda' | ['warn', 'never'] |
'sort-vars' | 'warn' |
'arrow-parens' | ['error', 'always'] |
'arrow-spacing' | ['error', { before: true, after: true }] |
'quotes' | ['error', 'single', { allowTemplateLiterals: true }] |
'consistent-this' | ['error', 'self'] |
'new-parens' | 'error' |
'no-array-constructor' | 'error' |
'no-confusing-arrow' | 'error' |
'no-new-object' | 'error' |
'no-spaced-func' | 'error' |
'no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs' | 'error' |
'key-spacing' | 'error' |
'keyword-spacing' | ['error', { before: true, after: true }] |
'semi' | ['error', 'always'] |
'semi-spacing' | ['error', { before: false, after: true }] |
'space-before-blocks' | 'error' |
'space-infix-ops' | 'error' |
'space-unary-ops' | ['warn', { words: true, nonwords: false }] |
'strict' | ['error', 'global'] |
'eqeqeq' | 'error' |
'curly' | ['error', 'all'] |
'no-eval' | 'error' |
'no-else-return' | 'error' |
'no-return-assign' | 'error' |
'no-new-wrappers' | 'error' |
'comma-dangle' | ['error', 'never'] |
'no-sparse-arrays' | 'error' |
'no-ex-assign' | 'error' |
'prefer-arrow-callback' | 'error' |
'prefer-const' | ['error', { destructuring: 'all' }] |
'indent' | ['error', 4, { SwitchCase: 1 }] |
'space-before-function-paren' | ['error', { anonymous: 'always', named: 'never' }] |
'func-style' | ['error', 'expression'] |
'object-curly-spacing' | ['error', 'always'] |
'object-shorthand' | ['error', 'properties'] |
'no-unsafe-finally' | 'error' |
'no-useless-computed-key' | 'error' |
'require-await' | 'error' |
'constructor-super' | 'error' |
'no-buffer-constructor' | 'error' |
'no-mixed-requires' | 'error' |
'no-new-require' | 'error' |
'no-caller' | 'error' |
'no-const-assign' | 'error' |
'no-dupe-class-members' | 'error' |
'no-class-assign' | 'warn' |
'no-new-symbol' | 'error |
'no-this-before-super' | 'error' |
'prefer-rest-params' | 'error' |
'prefer-spread' | 'error' |
'no-useless-call' | 'error' |
'rest-spread-spacing' | ['error', 'never'] |
'no-extra-semi' | 'error' |
'no-dupe-keys' | 'error' |
'padding-line-between-statements' | [ 'error', { blankLine: 'always', prev: 'directive', next: '*' }, { blankLine: 'any', prev: 'directive', next: 'directive' }, { blankLine: 'always', prev: 'cjs-import', next: '*' }, { blankLine: 'any', prev: 'cjs-import', next: 'cjs-import' }, { blankLine: 'always', prev: 'cjs-export', next: '*' }, { blankLine: 'always', prev: 'multiline-block-like', next: '*' }, { blankLine: 'always', prev: 'class', next: '*' } ] |