API v5.0.x


npm: npm install @hapi/podium

yarn: yarn add @hapi/podium

Using different parameters

Along with channels, podium allows you to specify other event parameters. Below are more examples:


const Podium = require('@hapi/podium');
const podiumObject = new Podium.Podium();

        name: 'event1',
        channels: ['ch1', 'ch2', 'ch3', 'ch4'],
        name: 'event2',
        channels: ['ch1', 'ch2']
const listener1 = (data) => {

    console.log('listener1 called', data);
const listener2 = (data) => {

    console.log('listener2 called', data);

    name: 'event1',
    channels: ['ch1']
}, listener1);

    name: 'event1',
    channels: ['ch3', 'ch4']
}, listener2);

podiumObject.on({ name: 'event1', channels: 'ch2' }, (data) => { // autonomous function

    console.log('auto', data);

var arr = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5];

    name: 'event1',
    channel: 'ch3'


const Podium = require('@hapi/podium');
const podiumObject = new Podium.Podium();

        name: 'event1',
        channels: ['ch1', 'ch2'],
        clone: true
        name: 'event2',
        channels: ['ch1', 'ch2']

const listener1 = (data) => {

    data[0] = 55;
    console.log('listener1 called', data);
const listener2 = (data) => {

    data[0] = 100;
    console.log('listener2 called', data);

    name: 'event1',
    channels: ['ch1']
}, listener1);

    name: 'event2',
    channels: ['ch1']
}, listener2);

var arr = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5];

console.log('initially: ', arr);

    name: 'event1',
    channel: 'ch1'

console.log('after event1, ch1: ', arr);

    name: 'event2',
    channel: 'ch1'

console.log('after event2, ch1: ', arr);


const Podium = require('@hapi/podium');
const podiumObject = new Podium.Podium();

        name: 'event1',
        channels: ['ch1', 'ch2'],
        spread: true
        name: 'event2',
        channels: ['ch1', 'ch2']

const listener1 = (data1, data2, data3, data4) => {

    console.log('listener1 called', data1, data2, data3, data4);

const listener2 = (data) => {

    data[0] = 100;
    console.log('listener2 called', data);

    name: 'event1',
    channels: ['ch1']
}, listener1);

    name: 'event2',
    channels: ['ch1']
}, listener2);

var arr = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5];

console.log('initially: ', arr);

    name: 'event1',
    channel: 'ch1'

console.log('after event1, ch1: ', arr);

    name: 'event2',
    channel: 'ch1'
console.log('after event2, ch1: ', arr);


const Podium = require('@hapi/podium');
const podiumObject = new Podium.Podium();

        name: 'event1',
        channels: ['ch1', 'ch2'],
        name: 'event1',
        channels: ['ch1', 'ch2'],
        shared: true
const listener2 = (data) => {

    console.log('listener2 called', data);

    name: 'event1',
    channels: ['ch1']
}, listener2);

var arr = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5];

    name: 'event1',
    channel: 'ch1'


const Podium = require('@hapi/podium');
const emitter = new Podium.Podium('test');

const updates = [];
emitter.on('test', (data) => updates.push({ id: 1, data }));
emitter.on({ name: 'test', filter: ['a', 'b'] }, (data) => updates.push({ id: 2, data }));
emitter.on({ name: 'test', filter: 'b' }, (data) => updates.push({ id: 3, data }));
emitter.on({ name: 'test', filter: ['c'] }, (data) => updates.push({ id: 4, data }));
emitter.on({ name: 'test', filter: { tags: ['a', 'b'], all: true } }, (data) => updates.push({ id: 5, data }));

emitter.emit({ name: 'test', tags: 'a' }, 1);
emitter.emit({ name: 'test', tags: ['b'] }, 2);
emitter.emit({ name: 'test', tags: ['d'] }, 3);
emitter.emit({ name: 'test', tags: ['a'] }, 4);
emitter.emit({ name: 'test', tags: ['a', 'b'] }, 5);

emitter.emit('test', 6, () => {



const Podium = require('@hapi/podium');
const podiumObject = new Podium();


const listener1 = function(data) {

    console.log('listener1 called', data);

    name: 'event1',
    count: 2
}, listener1);

podiumObject.emit('event1', 'emit 1');
podiumObject.emit('event1', 'emit 2');
podiumObject.emit('event1', 'emit 3'); // this wont call listener1

new Podium(events, options)

Creates a new podium emitter where:

Returns a Podium object.

podium.registerEvent(events, options)

Register the specified events and their optional configuration. Events must be registered before they can be emitted or subscribed to. This is done to detect event name misspelling and invalid event activities. The events argument can be:

  • an event string.
  • an event options object with the following optional keys (unless noted otherwise):
    • name - the event name string (required).
    • channels - a string or array of strings specifying the event channels available. Defaults to no channel restrictions (event updates can specify a channel or not).
    • clone - if true, the data object passed to podium.emit() is cloned before it is passed to the listeners (unless an override specified by each listener). Defaults to false (data is passed as-is).
    • spread - if true, the data object passed to podium.emit() must be an array and the listener method is called with each array element passed as a separate argument (unless an override specified by each listener). This should only be used when the emitted data structure is known and predictable. Defaults to false (data is emitted as a single argument regardless of its type).
    • tags - if true and the criteria object passed to podium.emit() includes tags, the tags are mapped to an object (where each tag string is the key and the value is true) which is appended to the arguments list at the end. A configuration override can be set by each listener. Defaults to false.
    • shared - if true, the same event name can be registered multiple times where the second registration is ignored. Note that if the registration config is changed between registrations, only the first configuration is used. Defaults to false (a duplicate registration will throw an error). For detailed examples of event parameters see here
  • an array containing any of the above.

The options argument is an object with the following optional properties:

  • validate - if false, events are not validated. This is only allowed when the events value is returned from Podium.validate(). Defaults to true

podium.emit(criteria, data)

Emits an event update to all the subscribed listeners where:

  • criteria - the event update criteria which must be one of:
    • the event name string.
    • an object with the following optional keys (unless noted otherwise):
      • name - the event name string (required).
      • channel - the channel name string.
      • tags - a tag string or array of tag strings.
  • data - the value emitted to the subscribers.

await podium.gauge(criteria, data)

Behaves identically to podium.emit(), but also returns an array of the results of all the event listeners that run. The return value is that of Promise.allSettled(), where each item in the resulting array is { status: 'fulfilled', value } in the case of a successful handler, or { status: 'rejected', reason } in the case of a handler that throws.

Please note that system errors such as a TypeError are not handled specially, and it's recommended to scrutinize any rejections using something like bounce.

podium.on(criteria, listener, context)

Subscribe a handler to an event where:

  • criteria - the subscription criteria which must be one of the following:
    • event name string.
    • a criteria object with the following optional keys (unless noted otherwise):
      • name - the event name string (required).
      • channels - a string or array of strings specifying the event channels to subscribe to. If the event registration specified a list of allowed channels, the channels array must match the allowed channels. If channels are specified, event updates without any channel designation will not be included in the subscription. Defaults to no channels filter.
      • clone - if true, the data object passed to podium.emit() is cloned before it is passed to the listener method. Defaults to the event registration option (which defaults to false).
      • count - a positive integer indicating the number of times the listener can be called after which the subscription is automatically removed. A count of 1 is the same as calling podium.once(). Defaults to no limit.
      • filter - the event tags (if present) to subscribe to which can be one of the following:
        • a tag string.
        • an array of tag strings.
        • an object with the following:
          • tags - a tag string or array of tag strings.
          • all - if true, all tags must be present for the event update to match the subscription. Defaults to false (at least one matching tag).
      • spread - if true, and the data object passed to podium.emit() is an array, the listener method is called with each array element passed as a separate argument. This should only be used when the emitted data structure is known and predictable. Defaults to the event registration option (which defaults to false).
      • tags - if true and the criteria object passed to podium.emit() includes tags, the tags are mapped to an object (where each tag string is the key and the value is true) which is appended to the arguments list at the end. Defaults to the event registration option (which defaults to false).
  • listener - the handler method set to receive event updates. The function signature depends on the spread, and tags options.
  • context - an object that binds to the listener handler.

podium.addListener(criteria, listener, context)

Same as podium.on().

podium.once(criteria, listener, context)

Same as calling podium.on() with the count option set to 1.

await podium.once(criteria)

Subscribes to an event by returning a promise that resolves when the event is emitted. criteria can be specified in any format supported by podium.on(), except for the count option that is set to 1.

Return a promise that resolves when the event is emitted. The resolution value is an array of emitted arguments.


Subscribes to an event by returning a promise that resolves when the event is emitted count times. criteria can only be specified in the object format supported by podium.on() and the count option is required.

Returns a promise that resolves when the event is emitted count times. The resolution value is an array where each item is an array of emitted arguments.

podium.off(name, listener)

Removes all listeners subscribed to a given event name matching the provided listener method where:

  • name - the event name string.
  • listener - the function reference provided when subscribed.

podium.removeListener(name, listener)

Same as podium.off().

Returns a reference to the current emitter.


Removes all listeners subscribed to a given event name where:

  • name - the event name string.

Returns a reference to the current emitter.


Returns whether an event has any listeners subscribed where:

  • name - the event name string.

Returns true if the event name has any listeners, otherwise false.


Validates that events are declared in the correct format. Events can be declared in any of the formats supported by the podium.registerEvent() method. When the declaration is valid, the array of events returned can be passed to the podium.registerEvent() method with validations disabled, otherwise a validation error is thrown.
