
Fix cloning Util.inherit() subclassed errors. Backports #401
Fix cloning Util.inherit() subclassed errors
Hoek.clone drop an error with axios errors in version @hapi/hoek 11.0.6+
Fix Error clone() when structuredClone uses bad prototype
fix: missing stack starting from node 21+
Fix default values for `merge.Options` interface
Incorrect default documented for `mergeArrays` option
fix: provide reference to TS types for export map
Missing types in typescript with module resolution nodenext
Support the URL type
chore: add individual module types
breaking changes
Explicitly export modules
breaking changes
Refactor AssertError
Updates assert() type to declare condition to be true
Fix version range
breaking changes
Support node v18 and drop node v12
Handle very long timeouts in Hoek.wait()
Fix reachTemplate() regex timing
Support named imports when using node esm loader
applyToDefaults: respect nullOverride when shallow is used
Fix applyToDefaults to work better with non-object source values
upgrade lab to v24 and devDependency of typescript
Always call base class methods to inspect Map and Set
Add returnValue option to wait()
deepEqual() can fail on subclassed map
Fix 'compare is not a function'
Prevent prototype poisoning in clone()
Clone fails to copy override array prototype
Fix shallow defaults clone
breaking changes
Support only node 12
Safer and faster shallow handling
Prevent prototype poisoning in clone() (v8)
Add isPromise()
Add ts.XOR<>
Improve clone() performance
contain() part option allows no matches
Block once in contain() when subject is an object
Error.captureStackTrace can't be used in Joi's browser build
Export interfaces
deepEqual with skip seems to ignore missing properties
Remove deep limit on contain with object
deepEqual() fails to compare errors when prototype is false
contain() passes with extra values with only and not once
Fix empty ref bug in contain when only is true
contain() is always true for empty ref with only and not once
Break methods for deep require
Handle no Buffer support
skip and deepFunction options for deepEqual()
Restore ability to assert with pre-made error
Make assert() generate a named Error so bounce can identify
v8.0.0 Release Notes
Change assert() AssertionError to Error
Remove uniqueFilename()
Minor performance
Support reach into Set and Map objects
Shallow clone of entire object
v7.0.0 Release Notes
Support symbols in merge()
Replace applyToDefaultsWithShallow() with applyToDefaults(..., { shallow })
Replace cloneWithShallow() with clone(value, { shallow })
Change all individual option arguments to { options } object
Default handling of symbols to true by default
deepEqual() skip fails when number of keys is diff
Fix clone of subclassed Set and Map
Fix: Add map and set to seen map
Stack overflow in clone in v6.2.3
Typescript enhancements
breaking changes
Set deepEqual() prototype option to true by default, not just when no options are passed
Clone Map and Set
Hoek.clone() issues
Bootstrap types from @types
Handle promises in deepEqual()
Update deps
Change module namespace
Fix clone without prototype
Revert cloning of symbols to false by default
Ignore symbols by default in deepEqual()
Symbol support
Hoek.clone() defineProperty issue
Don't apply part option to contain() by default
Fix contain() with duplicates and only
Remove engines
breaking changes
API deprecations
deepEqual does not check both sides in full
Add Map and Set support to deepEqual()
Rework deepEqual()
deepEqual and array properties
Hoek.deepEqual false positive
Try object ref comparison first in deepClone()
Don't use deprecated new Buffer() api
Update deps
Throw instances of AssertionError on asserts
breaking changes
base64urlDecode() should throw, not return errors
breaking changes
Remove nextTick()
Remove Timer
Require node v8
Add a wait() method
Commercial version for 4.x branch
Add escape json
Fix isInteger for unsafe integers
Enhancement: Make contain see non-enumerable's
update to code 3.x.x
Use map for cloning memoizer
breaking changes
update lab
improve .unique to make use of es6 `Set` performance
improve .unique performance
Fix for issue #177
removed isAbsolutePath method
refactor(merge): use !== rather than ^
isAbsolutePath obsolete?
Assert when value is not a string
transform method does not respect separator option
Hoek.reach and non standard JS objects
Hoek.deepEqual providing false positive result
fix linting error
fix mapToObject documentation
Lint errors. Closes #168
ES6 lint errors
breaking changes
ES6 style, node v4
es6 updates WIP
Hoek.clone on process.env
hoek.reach should allow empty keys
cleanup loop from #148
Allow reach to work with falsy values (empty str)
generalize Hoek.transform to accept an array of objects
Reach template
Add reachTemplate() to apply reach() functionality to a templatized string
Clone fails on objects with null prototypes
options for deepEqual don't pass on to recursive calls in arrays
Allow for deep partial contain
Add isNullOverride to applyToDefaults
Added option parameter to deepEqual.
Clone even non-enumerable properties.
Hoek.deepEqual({a: 'foo'}, {a: 'foo', b: 'bar'}) return true
Fix deepEqual on empty objects. Fixes #127.
deepEqual behaving unexpectedly with empty object
Throw error directly if it is the only thing passed in as the message
Hoek.assert - throw error that is passed in as message
Adds ability to do Hoek.reach with negative index
enhance withShallow methods to support nested keys. Closes #109
Enhance shallow clone methods to support nested keys
Fix applyToDefaultsWithShallow default clone. Closes #107
applyToDefaultsWithShallow() fail to retain defaults shallow key
Clone, shallow, and stringify
Move shallow and stringify from hapi
Clone fails to copy object property if only setter used
avoid hasOwnProperty so plain objects work
Plain objects can't be compared.
assert() adds whitespace even when arguments are empty
Add contain()
Add contain() comparison function for strings, objects, and arrays
deepEqual() fails to compare arrays with non literal members
dont execute getters when cloning
Added util.format
Don't clone properties with getter by executing the getter
Allow falsey values to be used as default value in Hoek.reach()
Replaced __proto__ with Object.create()
Update to lab 4.x
Close #75, properly preform test
Test 43 case for applyToDefaults not accurately testing
Allow assert to be optimized
Rename spumko to hapijs
Protect against null prototypes
Transform Function
Default Value for Reach
Cannot read property 'isImmutable' of null
merge() shallow copies array members when merging
Shallow copy objects with prototype.isImmutable flag
clone() creates multiple copies of the same date, regex, or buffer object
Detect [[Class]] instead of using instanceof
Add isInteger()
match() -> test()
breaking changes
Bring coverage back to 100% after lab logical statement support
Add isAbsolutePath for unix and windows when using node <0.11
Cleanup API and remove/move unused functions
Rename should throw an error for invalid property .
Bring coverage back to 100% after lab fix