
chore: bump hoek
breaking changes
Support hapi v21 and node v18, drop hapi v19 and node v12, test ESM support
Support OAuth1 client wreck options
Add support for providing clientSecret as a function
upgrade lab to v24
migrate to new travis format
[Bugfix] Okta example code
update to hapi 20
upgrade bell to use just regular joi package and update teamwork as well
Support Okta custom authorization server
Issue with the meetup provider
breaking changes
Change plugin name to @hapi/bell
Require hapi 19
Only node 12
Use actual package name for plugin name
Return azureAD provider
breaking changes
Make dropbox-v2 the only provider
Replace office365, azuread with updated azure provider
Update joi
Add support for PKCE
New Twitch API oAuth & profile
Update github login example
[Bell-410] Add AWS Cognito provider
Add provider for AWS Cognito
RFC 7636: Proof Key for Code Exchange
Add Azure Oauth2 v2 provider
Correctly utilize JWT tokens instead of normal accessTokens for AzureAD
Update Office365 / Microsoft provider
Update deps
Change module namespace
10.0.0 Release Notes
Add support for hapi 18
Google auth redirect loop with hapi v18
Update LinkedIn to use new lite profile
Upgrade LinkedIn to support new 'Lite Profile'
Change module namespace for v9 branch
Allow isSameSite customization
Safari isSameSite
FB custom scope + upgrade api version
Ensure Auth0 profile is availabe in all cases
Use Stripe Express
Add config 'fields' to vk provider
Use OIDC compliant profile from Auth0
fix(package): update Boom and fix trying to create an instance of .internal
Set SameSite=Strict for improved security
Remove new Buffer usage
Picture object included in the profile object for facebook oauth
Fix problem with not exist required param 'v' last versitons today 5.…
VK auth dev error: 'v' is required
facebook picture field added to get profile picture
breaking changes
Expose query in spite of errors
Remove or more comprehensively document provider.version
9.0.0 Release Notes
[WIP] Hapi 17 Support
hapi v17 support
Changed the discord providers image url prefix
Add provider
Added custom OAuth2 client authentication
Allowing the location option to be a function
Add Mixer as a new provider
Add Stripe as a new provider
Add `fields` option to Facebook provider
New dropbox-v2 provider which uses Dropbox V2 API
breaking changes
add DigitalOcean provider
Updates Facebook API to v2.9
Add `'profile'` to list of default scopes for Okta
[Update] Updates Facebook provider to v2.7
Add support for authentication with Okta
added spotify
Fixes #261 expose OAUTH2 token response as request.auth.artifacts
AzureAD: Support email, when userPrincipalName (upn) is not available
Medium provider
hapi 16
Implement Azure Active Directory authentication for enterprise AD logins
Fixes #266 Implements azure active directory as bell azuread module
Set isSameSite to false and add code to support Hapi 13.5+
Bell is not compatible with Hapi 15 due to same-site: strict for cookie
Support Hapi 15 & upgrade boom + wreck dependencies
allow for leading whitespace in JSON
Add discord as a new provider
fix mapping of google profile fixes #251
Google user info
Twitter additional GET parameters on extended profile request
Allow hapi 14
Bell 8.0.0 Release Notes
Upgrade Joi dependence to 9.x.x
Fitbit provider
Separate Google into two providers. #228
Allow providerParams to be a method invoked with the request
Remove dependency on Google Plus APIs
[Fix] Fixes email address field in LinkedIn
Profiles are broken when used directly
Aphuang2013 patch 1
Update dependencies
Only publish root and lib directory in npm. #230
Only publish root and lib directory in npm
Implemented RSA-SHA1 signatures for OAuth v1
OAuth v1: How to handle RSA-SHA1 signing?
getMethod option
Fix markup to quote URL correctly to avoid infinite redirect
Apply the same html redirection logic to oauth v1. Closes #223
OAuth 1.0 missing HTML redirection workaround
Upgrade to code 3.x.x
Test with Node 6
Consistently return node req object in oauth v1 client. Closes #215
Fails to always return the node req object from wreck
Add Pinterest provider
Fix Safari CORS with Facebook & potentially other providers
Fix weird error happening when logging in through Facebook on safari …
Can not login with Facebook on Safari
Add GitLab provider
Added appsecret_proof to wordpress provider
WordPress Provider
Office365 provider
Salesforce provider
Add Slack provider
Bitbucket incorrect id and styling inconsistency.
Support returning raw resource payload. Closes #193
client.resource() raw payload
Bell 7 release notes
Add Auth0 provider
peerDependency on Hapi 13
Allow passing additional state
skipProfile option
Auth fails silently
Added Twitch provider
Upgrade devDependencies, test Hapi 12, lint update with tests/examples
Update bitbucket to use the oAuth2 endpoint
Add simulated mode. Closes #167
Simulated mode
Add error if using non-https server when isSecure is set to true
Upgrade to Node 4+, Hapi 10+, ES6 styling, Update dependencies
Bell 6 Release Notes
Added Tumblr provider
Fixed no-comma-dangle in README
Test Hapi 9 and 10
Add documentation about Linkedin custom profile fields
upgrade to lab 6 and cleanup
Update Wreck to 6.x.x and some devDependencies
Update Wreck to 6.1.0 or latest version
#146 Provider
500 error on google auth
Fix tests
Split up the documentation and add provider specific information plus…
Node v4
Fix lasting linting issues
Document Bell Core API and Providers API
Provider wiki
Test Cleanup
Fix wrong tests. OAuth1 does not include expiresIn for yahoo/bitbucke…
fixed linting issues // now extends lab linting
added allowRuntimeProviderParams to allow runtime query params
Provide variable providerParams
Facebook Provider: Fix expiresIn, add example, backwards compatibility
Update google.js
Lois Desplat is the new maintainer
Add fields to the query
facebook expiration won't be mapped properly
5.0.0 Release Notes
Updated LinkedIn's default scope
Fix google example
Updated Google provider so that login uses the recommended Google+ People endpoint
Deprecated Google and Facebook APIs
Fix clientSecret usage and adds test case
remove property username as it is not part of the google profile
Fix clientSecret usage
4.0.0 Release Notes
Ensure only 1 authentication method is used during /token access in o…
Don't send client credentials as parameters and basic auth while retrieving token
Allow null for domain
breaking changes
Rewrite OAuth 1.0 client interface
Fix POST payload format and location
OAuth client resource() endpoint
Expose OAuth 1.0 client protected resource endpoing
Expose OAuth interface. Closes #48
Expose Client as a plugin method
Pass `forceHttps` and `location` to v1 client
add location setting similar to old hapi server location
Add nest authentication
Added option to specify the LinkedIn profile fields
Support Reddit as an OAuth provider
LinkedIn profile fields
update facebook URLs to use facebook Graph v2.3
Support for Phabricator
Allow environment variables to configure options
Fix linting issues
Update Joi to 6.x
Add LinkedIn provider
Add ArcGIS Online provider
Support new wreck in mocks
Update .travis.yml
Make forceHttps complete
passing back expires_in for oauth 2.0 refresh token request
Added Dropbox.
pass back expires_in
Add option for forcing https.
breaking changes
hapi 8.0 API
handle oauth user rejection for v2 as well
Add VK provider.
handle oauth login user rejection
Add bitbucket provider
Replaced nipple with wreck.
Add Instagram provider.
Add Foursquare as built-in provider
Added ability to specify additional query params for the profile request...
Allow specifying provider name in custom schema
Use correct API path for GitHub Enterprise, fix #6
Unable to get GitHub Enterprise profile data
Bump peer dependency to Hapi >= 6