
Third-party login plugin for hapi.js.

Latest Version: 13.0.2

npm: npm install @hapi/bell

yarn: yarn add @hapi/bell

Module Status:
Version License Node Dependencies CI
hapi helmet github logo
BSD 16, 18, 20, 22 Dependency Status Build Status
hapi helmet github logo
BSD 16, 18, 20, 22 Dependency Status Build Status


bell ships with built-in support for authentication using ArcGIS Online, Auth0, AzureAD,
BitBucket, Cognito, DigitalOcean, Discord, Dropbox, Facebook, Fitbit, Foursquare,
GitHub, GitLab, Google Plus, Google, Instagram, LinkedIn, Medium, Meetup, Mixer,
Nest, Office365, Okta, Phabricator, Pingfed, Pinterest, Reddit, Salesforce, Slack,
Spotify, Stripe,, Tumblr, Twitch, Twitter, VK, Wordpress, Windows Live,
and Yahoo.

It also supports any compliant OAuth 1.0a and OAuth 2.0 based login services with a simple
configuration object.

Providers Documentation


bell works by adding a login endpoint and setting it to use a bell-based authentication strategy. bell will manage the third-party authentication flow and will only call the handler if the user successfully authenticated. The handler function is then used to examine the third-party credentials (e.g. lookup an existing account or offer a registration page), setup an active session, and redirect to the actual application.

bell does not maintain a session beyond a temporary state between the authorization flow. If a user authenticated once when accessing the endpoint, they will have to authenticate again. This means bell cannot be used alone as a login system except for single-page applications that require loading a single resource. Once the handler is called, the application must set its own session management. A common solution is to combine bell with the @hapi/cookie authentication scheme plugin.

// Load modules

const Bell = require('@hapi/bell');
const Hapi = require('@hapi/hapi');

// Declare internals

const internals = {};

internals.start = async function () {

    const server = Hapi.server({ port: 8000 });

    // Register bell with the server

    await server.register(Bell);

    // Declare an authentication strategy using the bell scheme
    // with the name of the provider, cookie encryption password,
    // and the OAuth client credentials.

    server.auth.strategy('twitter', 'bell', {
        provider: 'twitter',
        password: 'cookie_encryption_password_secure',
        clientId: 'my_twitter_client_id',
        clientSecret: 'my_twitter_client_secret',
        isSecure: false     // Terrible idea but required if not using HTTPS especially if developing locally

    // Use the 'twitter' authentication strategy to protect the
    // endpoint handling the incoming authentication credentials.
    // This endpoints usually looks up the third party account in
    // the database and sets some application state (cookie) with
    // the local application account information.

        method: ['GET', 'POST'],    // Must handle both GET and POST
        path: '/login',             // The callback endpoint registered with the provider
        options: {
            auth: {
              mode: 'try',
              strategy: 'twitter'
            handler: function (request, h) {

                if (!request.auth.isAuthenticated) {
                    return `Authentication failed due to: ${request.auth.error.message}`;

                // Perform any account lookup or registration, setup local session,
                // and redirect to the application. The third-party credentials are
                // stored in request.auth.credentials. Any query parameters from
                // the initial request are passed back via request.auth.credentials.query.

                return h.redirect('/home');

    await server.start();
