hapi modules LTS support policy

The hapi core module and its dependencies are published under the following support rules:

Every major version of the core module receives at least one year of support from the time of publication of the first x.0.0 release. When a new major version is published, the previous major version gets at least 3 months of support from that moment. There are typically one to three major releases each year and most are simple to upgrade. Core dependencies are maintained as long as they are used by a supported core version.

Current versions

The full and up to date list of supported modules under a free open source license is available at the module status page.

Latest version

The latest version of the hapi module published to npm is the current actively supported version. It receives bug fixes, security patches, and new features on an ongoing basis.

Only the latest published module of the current major version is actively supported. For example, if the current published version is v10.2.3, it is the only supported version of the v10.x.x branch. If you are using an older version of v10.x.x such as v10.0.4, you must upgrade to v10.2.3 before opening issues and seeking support.

Previous major version

Once a new major version is published, the previous major version goes into LTS maintenance mode. Versions in maintenance mode receive critical bug fixes and security patches but do not receive new features.

Each major version branch stays in maintenance mode for whichever is the longer period:

  • 1 year from the day of the first publication of this major version, or
  • 3 months from the day of the first publication of the following major version.

For example, if:

  • version v9.0.0 was published on January 1st, 2010, and
  • version v10.0.0 was published on May 1st, 2010

Support for v9.x.x will end on January 1st, 2011 (one year from time of initial publication of the v9.0.0 release).

However, if:

  • version v9.0.0 was published on January 1st, 2010, and
  • version v10.0.0 was published on December 1st, 2010

Support for v9.x.x will end on March 1st, 2011 (three months from time of initial publication of the v10.0.0 release).

Deprecated versions

When a version is no longer supported, it will be marked as deprecated in the npm registry. You may continue using it at your own risk, ignoring the warning messages.

Commercial support

Every module used by hapi v16 to v19 has a maintained LTS version available under a commercial license. For more information, visit the commercial support issue or contact Sideway Support.